ZIPLEVEL® PRO-2000 High Precision Altimeter
Replaces Rotary Lasers as the World's Fastest, Easiest, most Powerful, Precise and Only Pressurised Bubble Free Level.
Unlike a rotary laser, ZIPLEVEL lets you truly work alone to quickly and easily level and read elevations directly in unmistakably clear digits. NO MORE rods, tripods, sensors, line-of-sight, error with distance, factory calibration or tedious computations.
Proven by tens of thousands users worldwide who depend on ZIPLEVEL as the "tape rule" of elevation measurement.
Fast, powerful, proven, rugged, reliable, affordable and made in the U.S.A. with a two year factory warranty.*
Laserless Digital Elevations
Cut costs, boost profits and join the measurement revolution. Whether you're supplementing or replacing a laser, you can't afford to be without ZIPLEVEL!
*Two year pro-rata warranty on hydro-pneumatics and a one year factory warranty on remainder of instrument.
Our factory built service centre:
ZIPLEVEL ® PRO - 2000 contains a proprietary hydrostatic liquid and pressurizing gas. Like the air in pneumatic tires, the proprietary pressurizing gas will diffuse out of the elastomeric cord over a period of about four/five years. When ZIPLEVEL needs a gas recharge or in the unlikely event that its tough Cord is cut or punctured, "Cord" will flash on its display. If your ZIPLEVEL ® PRO - 2000 or Compulevel has not been damaged and is flashing "Cord" it may be possible to temporarily continue use by frequently rechecking your measurements and zero reference for repeatability. If damaged or if flashing "Cord", ZIPLEVEL ® PRO - 2000 must be returned to the repair centre for service.
Our recharge includes replacement of the hydrostatic liquid, re-pressurizing the ZIPLEVEL, replacement of cord, reference cell or manifold if necessary, recalibration, performance evaluation, thorough cleaning, packing in new packaging and courier returned.
All new ZIPLEVEL ® PRO - 2000 product comes with a one year factory warranty covering defects in materials and workmanship (see User Guide). All service procedures and materials are provided with a one year factory warranty.